Friday, March 2, 2012

Midwinter break

This morning, I went to the grocery store.   I knew I needed milk and yogurt and oatmeal.  I didn't know I needed a carton each of raspberries and strawberries, but somehow those made their way into my basket, too.  They were not cheap, but it's March now, which means springtime, which means it's time to start thinking about fresh fruit beyond citrus.  (Okay, maybe not totally beyond citrus, I did grab a few oranges as well.)

The berries are bright red, beautiful, sweet, aromatic.  They are also firm just shy of being crisp (it won't do to develop bruises on the long, bumpy drive from Mexico to Michigan, after all).  They may not threaten to drip juice down my chin, but after all, it's only March second.  Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

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